Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

Dylan: June 95 – Jan ’09

Bradawgonn Brigadier at Wylanbriar – Dylan

On friday morning, 9th January 2009, at 8.45am I lost my best friend. He was a chocolate labrador and he was the centre of my world. The apple of my eye. He made everything happen, made anything possible, made EVERYTHING possible. He worked, he showed, he sired puppies but most importantly he loved me.

He looked after me and tried hard to keep me on the straight and narrow, often failing miserably in that! He never left my side in 14 years yet was never a lap dog, always content to lay quietly elsewhere keeping half an eye on me.

He was a thinker. He broke every stereotype of a dizzy brown dog. Sensibly planting his feet in the showring in the right place but NEVER wagging his tail in it! Finding the birds that even the spaniels gave up on, but often trotting off with a gun to do so whilst I was blissfully unaware. Loving the bitches who came for mating and growled at him, giving him a ‘bit of a challenge’, usually eventually turning them to putty with a bit of smoothtalk and a lot of patience.

He left this world as he lived in it. Full of life to the last few hours. He did a 30 minute walk and hoovered his breakfast just the morning before he went for his final journey.

He was the govenor dog here and every dog respected him but adored him and he adored them. They will be as lost without him as I am.

Some knew him as Bradawgonn Brigadier at Wylanbriar. Others knew him from the only bit they ever remembered of his posh name which was ‘Brigadier’. Many knew him as ‘Dylan’. I knew him as ‘Beanie’.

Dylan – A treasured life in pictures.
(To view the full sized photos please click on the thumbnails.)

Goodnight, Beanie. I’ll never forget what you gave me……

Mum – 12th Jan 2009.