Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability


Jadey: Nov 03 – April 10′

Pawcrest Jades Dream for Wylanbriar

22nd November 2003  –   7th April 2010

I had to stare at the title of the section i’m writing this under for several long minutes before I could start typing. Its not really possible. ‘Gone but Never Forgotten’… ? What?…… GONE?….. Jadey? Really? GONE? Its impossible. Its insane. She can’t be ‘gone’, she is beautiful. She can’t be ‘Gone’, I needed her. She can’t be ‘Gone’….. we love her. ‘Gone’ is forever, and that just can’t be right…..

But I woke up this morning. The sun got up this morning. A new day started. So you have to believe what reality tells you, however impossible it seems. And today, my beautiful girl is…. Gone. She went on the saddest day of my entire life, Wednesday 7th April. Its been 3 days. And today I prodded my heart to see if it could take any more pain, because I know writing this will be painful, and it said ‘yes, bring it on’. Sometimes something is so broken a bit more shaking won’t damage it any further.

Jadey was a Princess. A friend describes her as a ‘Good-dog’ and she truely was in every sense of the word. I don’t think many reading this will not know she had many achievements measured in rosettes and awards in her six years. She was a dual purpose Labrador in every possible way, showing, working tests, trialling, shooting. That made her ‘known’. But right now I want to talk about what made Jadey ‘special’.

Jadey was always a drama queen. From a small puppy the slightest incident resulted in her flinging herself about sighing and clutching her breast and wailing. Yet most of the time she was the calmest most ‘thinking’ dog I have ever met. She would disolve into these ‘Oscar winning moments’ very selectively and they were always note worthy. Jadey didn’t mean to live life unnoticed! It was never going to happen! She was the Dame Judi Dench of the dog world. Her three litters were dramatic productions of the highest order worthy of BAFAS galore. She couldn’t help it, it was just….. Jadey! Mating Jadey, the sweet innocent happy girl, was always a seriously high risk sport. We called it ‘Extreme Mating’, and whilst she never caused her loving husbands any damage, she loudly alerted any neighbour within several miles that her ‘honour was being violated’ and ‘Call the police IMMEDIATELY!’. Front feet would fly all over the place and she would pogo, with hubby attached, with mum grapple holding her and trying to avoid her deliberate dew claw slashes…… yet she loved flirting. She loved everything about a mating except being mated!

Jadey was a real girlie girl. Had she been human she would of driven a pink mini convertable. She would have loved sandwiches with the crusts off, and she never drank anything stronger than a small sweet sherry. Just the one…. two would make her giggly…

Jadey was our princess. She would stare into your soul  with her beautiful burnt sugar eyes and make you want to be a better person. You knew if she wasn’t a dog she would have been a beautiful catwalk model who does masses for charity. Or the sort of feet on the ground pop star who happily signs autographs in sainsburys before going off to climb Mount Killimajaro for Comic Relief. Everyone loved Jadey, she climbed into your heart. She would wag from her tail through her body all the way to her head when REALLY thrilled about something. A harsh word would break Jadeys heart. She was never easy to train because it was impossible to tell her she had done something wrong! She would go into a minor decline, offer to throw herself off Beachy Head in repentence, and you would end up finding instead of correcting her, you would be reassuring her that it ‘really didn’t matter’ and ‘its just fine, and hey lets just forget I ever said anything…’  and she would throw herself at you in relief, gasping and leaning on you beating her tail……. she really could be so fustrating!

Jadey was completely comfortable whoever she was mixing with, show or working. Yet somehow she never completely fitted in with either ‘crowd’. She won lovely classes in the showring, but never quite looked like a showdog. She won umpteen working test awards from puppy to Intermediate, but never looked quite like a working dog. How she did all she did is beyond me. She won hearts and compliaments whereever we happened to be, and something that always shone through was ‘class’. She was a classy lady, and she knew it. And she loved it.

She loved life, she loved everything she ever did. She loved walks. She loved her many babies. She was a dreamy, earth type mother, still cleaning Fish like a two week old when he turned 18 months of age! Beyond everything she loved her picking up. Shoot days were a joy with Jadey next to you. Life was a joy with Jadey next to you. She gave so much and asked so little and can, and will, never be replaced.

Right now in everything I do I miss Jadey. Its a burning, churning ache knowing I will never see her again. The first few seconds after waking up in the morning, before you really come to your senses, are a blessing. Then it rushes into my brain….. she is ‘Gone’. And it hurts, by god it hurts. I’ve never quite felt shock and pain like it and I pray I never will again. My quiet, gentle black shadow. No longer behind me. No longer beside me.

Jadey, our sweet, special, treasured, beautiful, gracious, multitalented, amazing Princess. Our Pids. Our love. Your loss overwhelms us but the memory of you is one of the most beautiful things ever. We will never forget you, angel.

…. For every single memory,
has become a part of me.
You will always be…….. my love…...

George Michael, ‘Jesus to a Child’.

Mum  xxxx   –   10th April 2010.

(To view the full sized photos please click on the thumbnails.)

……..I wish I could touch you again,
I wish I could still call you a friend
I’d give… Anything.
I won’t forget you my friend… What happened…?


When someone said, ‘count your blessings now, before they’re long gone’,
I guess I just didn’t know how, I was so wrong.
But they knew better, still, you’d said forever, and ever……
Who Knew?
My Darling…..I Miss You…. My Darling…… Who Knew? ”

Pink – ‘Who Knew’