Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

2010 Reunion Party

2010 Puppy & Dog Reunion Party

Saturday 26th June 2010

We held a wonderful reunion party at The Dog Barn, near Chichester on Saturday 26th June 2010. We had a stunning amount of Wylanbriars attend, and some sons and daughters from our stud dogs too. It was a boiling hot, truly memorable day that made us extremely proud!

I would love more pictures from those attending but for now will add, with huge thanks, Jacqui’s (with Brundle) to this page, and hope more will follow! Thank you SO much to those attending. I think at the peak we were into the 40’s on dogs! People came from as far away as Birmingham, Wales and even Guernsey to support us and enjoy the day with games, lunch, a mega raffle and general good natured socialising, Wylanbriar to Wylanbriar!!

To view the photos please click on the thumbnails.