Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

Well you know when its going to be a bad day sometimes? Well somehow in saving the above entry to the Blog I have managed to delete every previous entry! I don’t know how….really I don’t. I can do one of two things right now. I can put my fist through the computer screen whilst bawling like a big girl, or I can hope most of those reading this had read the previous entries, saw the pictures and enjoyed it and will remember the bits they liked. For anyone ‘tuning in’ now, I suppose what you didn’t know existed, you don’t miss!

We had fantastic news last Sunday. I took all three young boys, Fish, Tom and Bond down to Southampton for Fish’s hip and elbow xrays for scoring and Tom and Bond for an xray to look at the quality (or otherwise!) of their hips. Its for a bit of peace of mind OR to know the worst as soon as possible. But thank GOOOOD (that god of good joints was smiling!) because all three got the thumbs up from the woman who knows, and although we await Fish’s actual scores, I am entirely confidence they will be good ones… and the terrible twins have not managed to trash theirs either with their skydiving and divebombing ways! Lady Luck smiles upon us in this department again!