Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

….. I do apologise, since I discovered the *wonders* of Facebook, the poor old blog has suffered terribly! This is something I am determinned to get on as by god a lot happens month to month here… but todays news is BIIIGGGG!!!

Mia is pregnant! Woooooooooooooooooo!! 

‘Babies! I think I’m going to like babies!’ – thinks Mia  😉

After our false start last time round (when I got my mating days wrong I’m sure!) we used FT CH Bedgebrook Excalibur, the VERY lovely (and VERY clever!) Scally, and having played her cards really close to her chest, we took her for an ultrasound yesterday at 4 weeks and a few days. And… babies!! And several of them!!

So we are now alerting the waiting list and crossing fingers! She is due sort of 23rd/24th July type time…. and we are excited!

Bootee City!! More as it happens!!   xx