Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

So he seemed normal as we drove to our shoot….
… The day was freezing. Seriously freezing. Snow everywhere, fresh, fluffy and picturesque. We were at the place I probably love most in the whole world, our Shoot – Newhouse Farm, surrounded by friends.
I manage the picking up team so when the shoot captain called me to him, into the centre of the ring of guns, beaters and so on, after the health and safety speech, I expected to be bollocked for something last time that happened without me knowing, or to be given my walkie talkie and told not to fall in a river if at all possible.
However the shoot captain said:

” Di, I think someone has something to say to you…”

I turned and Allan was behind me. he went down in the snow on one knee and he said:

” I am not quite sure what to say but I want to ask you, Di, if you would make me very happy and marry me…..?”

Oh my god.

So I said ‘yes! Oh my god… oh (unmentionable word), yes!’
And he gave me a ring. And I loved it and it fitted. And I cannot think of something more perfect in my life. We then went out and did 8 briloliant drives on a blue crisp clear snowy beautiful day, with more friends around us than you can shake a stick at, doing the job that everything we do is all about.
Was a girl ever luckier? No!

The moment!!!
