Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

Wow if I look back I think ‘where DID 2009 go???’ So we sit with the promise of Arctic Snow hammering on our front door by morning. But, cynic here, refuses to believe it because we’ve heard it ALLLLL before! The Costa Del Sussex so rarely gets snow it would be a huge shock! You canonly imagine to Laguna’s reaction to ice and snow….. ‘Ohhhhhh I can’t POSSIBLY drive on that with my hugely low profile tyres…. I must dive in the nearest ditch IMMEDIATELY!’   …..   Great.

So I have decided to enter Deeds in the LRC (slash!) Golden Retriever Club of GB Working Gundog Certificate test day this coming Saturday. It seemed a good idea at the time. Till I heard that we  were all about to be introduced to the ‘Day After Tomorrow’ in terms of ice and snow. Well who knows? It might be a fizzle of a weather blip. But ANYWAY here I am giving it a bit of welly on Deeds./ Catching up what I have become completely complacent on with so many younger dogs.

So today I take him out and think about his pooor shambolic display that is his ‘lefts and rights’. They are sound in their own way but seem to come about twenty feet fprward and twenty feet backwards rather than sound ‘out and backs’. So I sit him up. Chuck one to his left. Chuck two to his right. I send him left. He goes. He Picks. He trots quietly in with it. I take it. I hussle him back to the starting point and sit him up. Then a light goes on in my brain and I start to snigger and chuckle and I say to him ‘By GOD boy…. I was sat in this exact spot doing this with your GRANDSON (Tom) 24 Hours ago!!!….. it brings me to my senses. What will be will be Saturday…. IF we get there. What Deeds knows he knows bless him.

So my Deedsmeiester remains the man he is and we shall see. He is the most useful picking up dog I know. Steady, quiet, willing and enthusiastic. But lets see what the Gundog Working Certificate brings!!! Wish us luck!

The boy in all his glory!   😉