Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

We went out for a walk today with all the dogs and took the 4×4 a little bit more ‘off the beaten track’ than most would brave. It snowed hard overnight again and the drifts are something to behold! The dogs adored it and had a fine old time! It was a great way to honour my old boy’s memory today. He would have thought it fantastic….

Snowbeasts! (Tom is the one facing the camera with an icicle Balaclava!

Fish with his long legs, barely getting his belly cold! We nearly LOST Brogan in the same drift!

Fish looking beautiful but like hes frozen in that pose!

Mummy’s Biscuit Meercat being an intrepid explorer!

They found a snow-tunnel! And tried to persuade Bondy that it was quite safe to go through…. whilst Brogan balanced on the top waiting patiently to collapse it on him ‘for a laugh’… 😉