Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

Not just once but twice over in a week! His first good lady has 6 little tadpoles, born last Wednesday and his next lovely wifelet, mated Christmas DAY so that will make for naming to be easy I feel, has 8 small fishes laying with her born last night!  All together now….. Ahhhhhhhhh! So this means, on both counts, that Deeds is a Grandad now to another 14 little GrandDeedslets (as both were his daughters!) and so it goes round and round 😉  Deeds doesn’t quite know whether to light Fish a cigar or punch him on the nose…. but as they are soundly asleep laid on each other in the kitchen right now, they appear to have come to some kind of understanding….  😉  I can’t wait to see them in time (basically read that as when they are all SOLD!!!)   😉

The first Tiny Tadpoles 😉

So whilst we are on the subject of sex, Shiney, the siren, is full on in season right now and is coming towards, slowly, in her usual rather drawn out way, the attentions of Mr Fish the newly dad. Day 13 means NOTHING to Shiney. It might as well be day TWO or something. She read the Book of the Bitch about Day 12 being the ‘sort of average mating day for most bitches’, then tossed it in the bin with a hollow laugh and said …after serious consideration…. ‘No! Actually I think Day 17/18 has a FAR nicer ring to it for mating…’ and so, she keeps her men waiting…. and waiting…. and waiting….  😉  On this exact topic and for once, on a serious note, a lady Deeds is waiting on, with hugely responsible owners who are happy to keep premate testing till she is bang on right, is about to have a fourth premate test tomorrow, on day 19, with the previous test showing unmateable levels! So please….those who solidly go the ‘mating on days 11 and 13 route….’ understand how flexiable you really DO need to be in your thinking to get as many girls in pup as possible.

Ok, well we have some news for those who read the website regularly. Our lovely little Brogan has gone to pastures new. Its an interesting thing but some dogs just do not suit a group environment, jostling for attention. We watched Brogan be an outgoing waggy small puppy, a credit to Miles and Rebecca who whelped her for us, and then gradually turn into quite an introverted ‘bugger trying to get their attention i’ll just do without’ type older puppy who got knocked out the way by the very powerful personalities of Tom and Bond for love, cuddles and general acknowledgement. When we realised, it possibly was a fraction too late and us trying to overcompensate, payng HER loads of extra attention fell, very slightly, on deaf ears. Its one of the snags of keeping several puppies close together in age if you are a soppy old household like ours where we tend to know each dog intimately and have them in the kitchen with us quite a bit.

So Trina and Jez had a think and said they would take her into their home on a trial. They have Happy, Brogans half sister. They are professional dog walkers with walks and fun and other dogs being part of everyday life. They do not kennel. They feel guilty having dogs sleep in their (luxury) KITCHEN for gods sake rather than on the kingsize with them!   So Brogan fitted in like a round peg in a round hole and the rest, as they say, is history. A week into the two week trial they were sunk, especially when at 8 months old she behaved like a dog three times her age when they took her to the pub for the afternoon! So Brogan leaves us to start a lovely new life in a kind of ‘ Sandals all inclusive Tropical Holiday’ environment.  😉

With Shiney in season, Tom and Bond have gone to stay with Auntie Tracey at her boarding kennels in Northiam because, quite honestly, Bondy is WAYY to talented in the shagging department for a man of 9 months and Tom is Shineys SON! S the further they are from causing a commotion, the better 😉 So with Brogan, Tom and Bondy not here, its pretty quiet here at Chez Wylanbriar for the time being!

Last Sunday Bondy went to his FIRST group training session with fantastic results. Nick Potts and Chris Marshall took a private class and Bondy did about 30 minutes, showing me that he is ungunshy, not noisey when hugely adrenalinised, and a poppet for the future! I then took Mallie for the second half and she went extremely well bless her, considering she has been thrown about during the shooting season and only now have I thought ‘Oh Christ! The first Open tests are REALLY close! Best work on mallie for a bit…..!’

Wedsnesday we went for the first time to Uncle Robert (Worrall). Boy taking a youngster to a one to one shows up what yu ahve ‘skimmed over training only that dog to your way of thinking. Robert was fantastic as ever, splitting the house between Bondy and Tom. Showed a few gaping holes, and showed a few nice bits… but generally speaking, it was just great to have someone else decide what to ‘do next’ in a training session rather than a whole damn winter of going it alone!

Today saw Fish at KSS training back with Chris and Nick taking the Open group, and me taking the upper Novice group. What a smashing day training wise. What HELLISH day weather wise! Fish is a revalation to me. at 17 months he is way infront of any dog i’ve ever owned, but then somethng will crop up that bites us on the arse, like Water, or fences, and suddenly it feels like he is a tiny puppy again! The test season approcheth…. is Fishy the Fish ready for his first Intermediate at the end of March? Only time will tell 😉