Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

Friday 14th May 2010

How many times have I written on my ‘Things to do list’ to update the Dog Blog! SO much has happened last few weeks, for example (and its unusual for me to be brief…):

* The Tiny Tadpoles were born, all 11 of them! At 3 weeks they are doing brilliantly, and so is a (slightly weary) Shiney!

* Fish was 3rd in the Bakadam Novice Working Test and has run in several others.

* Tom had his Hips and Elbow scores back –  3:6 Hips and 0:0 Elbows (back today!) and his first wife looms close enough for him to feel the need to get the iron out to run it over his best ‘shagging’ trousers, recently inherited, (although a few sizes too big) from his Grandad, Deeds!

* We have decided to stand down from UGS at the end of the working test season to concentrate for a couple of years on running OUR young dogs! Never an easy decision, but the right one.

* We decided to keep a dog and a bitch from Shineys litter and named them (whoever they may be in the big crowd!) ‘Mia’  and  ‘Holden’  (unusual but not outrageous! I mean, who would call a dog FISH for gods sake…??? Wink!)

* We’ve had some superb training sessions with Gilly Nickols, Robert Worrall and Graham Home, our long suffering trainers, and I have to say Bondy has grown up and come on immeasureably! Its probably time we hit a wall or I will think he is MORE than perfect (he was only PERFECT before this training spurt!)

* The (bloody) green car has run for a good couple of months without breaking down….! I know… I know! Thats me being towed by the RAC within minutes….!!

….And I’d elaborate, but we are just off now for the posh SEGS annual dinner to rub shoulders with people who handle dogs WAYYY better than us but we can probably drink under the table (something to be proud of…. hmmmm…!) …. ha ha ha!! Cheers everyone!!