Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

Thursday 17th June 2010

Bondys first working test today, and we trundled up North to Bicester-way, to the Labrador Retriever Club Water tests (their only annual working test) with the expectation of finding out where we stood in gaps in training. And hoping the Fish might have a decent shout as an older ‘Special Puppy;’ at 20 months. Just a wonderful day. Superb ground, whipped through fairly promply…. and Bondy WON with straight ’20’s!!  Good boy! What a good boy! He didn’t seem particularly phased by anything, and loved the social occasion, showing off terribly between tests like the HUGE Character he REALLY is… 😉

Fish was called to a run off, having gone well but I had a sneeking suspicion that Bondy had gone a bit better. Just a bit ‘cleaner’ if you know what I mean…? But then you never know what place a run off is to decide for, AND you never quite know what the judges see that maybe you don’t….. but for Fish to be called in Second…and then first too was just brilliant! So Bondy won and Fish was second. A cloud inducing, ‘the future is bright, the future is YELLOW’ inducing day….  😉 Thank you more to those I rung and text first to tell (you know who you guys are….) than anything!

I think Fish was a bit pissed being beaten by his kid brother… so i swear I saw him poking Bondy every time the poor tired Meercat fell asleep all the 150 miles home! 😉

Bloody great!!!! This is what we slog for…. days like these!!!

REALLY? We WON did we? Well what did you expect??!!  😉   😉