Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

After the excitement of Thursday and the win at the LRC we went into a busy dog weekend buzzing!

Ran Fish and Mallie in the Arun and Downland Brace Test on Saturday – a great fun event where you run in tests that minic shooting situations and have to have both dogs (ideally) picking the different retrieves at the same time, so rather than one retrieves, then send the other, actually have one on the way out and one coming back simaltainiously. Tricky! Fish took a couple of tests to get into the groove of the idea but then both were very good and we ended up 6th of 16 so that was lovely!

Sunday saw me judging the KSSLRC Puppy/Veteran/NDNH tests, and saw some really lovely dogs, especially the oldun’s! My fellow judges were great fun and the sun shone and you couldn’t ask for a better venue than Broadwater Farm, so altogether… brilliant!

Whilst poor Al puppy sat and did a load of overtime at work! Still hes been having all the fun other weekends… and I still haven’t *quite* forgiven the week long Fishing holiday when the pups were just 6 weeks old and KNACKERING!  😉

I have got a picture of the LRC test, the Special Puppy award winners, by Sharon Rogers – Myself, Mathew Ager in 3rd and Keith Broomfield in 4th:

Nice dogs………Sorry for having Blue Jeans on! I didn’t expect to win and end up in yearbooks!!! How very ‘UNcountryside Code of Dress!!!’  Bondy is sitting well back because, typical Bondy, he decided, completely randomly, that the trophy was to be scared of…. so decided to avoid all eye contact with it…. The mad crazy Cat! 😉