Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

….. So then the phone rings…. and suddenly we have a run in the Southern Golden Retriever Novice trial tomorrow! Me and Bondy that is. Fish and Al already have one… so its, well, errr… head to head (…..as such! Just as far as personal rivalry goes anyway!)

I’m going to say right here right now, this is for experience for the yellow boy. There is no expectation and thats comforting at his tender age…. HOWEVER….. wicked grin…… THAT SAID…. Bondy and I are just off for an early night, incorporating mucho cups of cocoa, bedsocks, cucumber eye masks etc etc….. whilst AL is out at his works Christmas ‘do’ at a Casino in Brighton, and I am about to send Fish out ‘on the town’ with party animal ‘Thomas’ with a bottle of Wicked Vodka and his ‘night-bus-fare’ home……    😉   😉   😉

Fair? No of course not. But then the bloody dog does take a line from here to ETERNITY and Bondy and I can’t take THAT lying down…. 😉  😉  😉

Night all!

Di and Bondy Meercat who are both trying to avoid Blonde moments tomorrow, more than anything else!  xxx