Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

So life and generations move on, and today saw me shooting over into leafy East Sussex, to see little Otter and the brood, as well as then going down to see Bondy’s first litter in Hastings! Ironically both litters were born on exactly the same night so are both 5 weeks and 1 day old!

SUCH a hardship to encounter quite so many lovely puppies in one afternoon  😉

Could this be Otter? Shes the Bondy Meercat Clone…

Or maybe this lovely darker girlie?

Or maybe her calmer, bigger sister??

Who knows? Time will tell as they grow!!

A very special mention to darling little ‘Dusty’, who had an unfortunate accident and managed to break a back leg by his Dam plonking herself down at a freak moment! He has been a brave and strong little guy and really is a very beautiful, fiesty and well made puppy. He will stay at Bedgebrook till further notice and is coping so well with his plaster cast! Sadly being so young the other puppies haven’t yet quite learnt how to ‘sign it’ but with smart parents like theirs, I’m sure they soon will!

‘Dusty’ and his plaster!

Hey! The manners of those baby Bedgebrooks leaves a LOT to be desired! Uncle Bondy would NEVER be so rude…. :

So we shoot down South to Hastings to look at the Bondlets there – and boy they are a lovely bunch!! Do look in the ‘Bondy Babies’ section of the website for lots of pictures but just a couple for your viewing pleasure and not a Meercat in sight!!!

Oh lovely!!!!

On a sad note today, a gorgeous and great bitch we both admire and knew personally living out her retirement at Bedgebrook, ‘FT CH Shorthorn Ninja of Mansengreen’ – Ratty, passed on at the grand age of 13. She really had so many influential children and grandchilden she is a strong influence on the breed but having lived with her for several weeks, she was the nicest possible ‘person’ and she will be missed by those who loved her dearly.

Sleep tight darling Ratty. You were, completely, a lady.