Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

Hi!!! Its been a while. I will promise to turn over a new leaf and keep this blog updated but the i’ve said that before 😉 So much happens, and then arrived Facebook in my life… and the blog seems to go by the wayside which is BAD!!

Big news today here – Ruby has been scanned in pup with Tommy babies! We saw around 7 – 9 but you can never be quite sure with an ultrasound. I don’t always scan the girls but Ruby was keeping things a huge secret and now, approaching week 5, I got impatient! And I’m glad I did!

The Ultrasound piccies from this morning …. ahhhhh… blessss 😉

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So now, my little brown girlie has about 4 weeks to go, due around 24th/25th of February! So we are all excited awaiting their arrival, its been a while since we had a chocolate litter here at Wylanbriar, not since their FATHER was born actually!

Memories!!!! Of that gorgeous litter…..


So we shall keep you posted and meantime we will take great care of Rubes, on this her first litter, currently she is blooming!   Di  xx
