Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

…And so to Crufts!!

Even as a kennel that doesn’t show much anymore, you HAVE to go to Crufts! If they are qualified…. you’d be mad to miss it, although Allan would beg to differ! Crufts is a bit of a Merry Go Round. You get ‘on’ at the bottom of the M40,...

Shiney in season!

Just dashing on for a real quickie, more later! For those on our waiting list excitedly waiting news, Shiney came into season on Thursday, so is day 3, and we look forward to good new in a few weeks time after her ‘dates’ with Fish!.  If these babies can...

A friend gone

11th Nov 2010 This week Allan and I laid to rest a good friend. Nick Potts was a gentleman.  He was committed to his dogs and his sport. He was funny, sharp, gentle, warm, thoughtful and straight. He didn’t bitch about decisions not going his way. About birds...

Testing the New Website!

I am adding this post to the dog blog to check that I CAN! And a picture too! WOW! I am cooking with gas with the new website! Its absolutely fantastic, THANK you Gill!

Picking up is a wonderful occupation.

I have always rated it, marginally, over any other part of gundog work, however, there are always a few grey areas. 😉  I hope seasoned pickers up will appreciate this: A Keeper says as a briefing to his pickers up….: ” Yes well you know… stick to the...

Al’s first trial with Fish!!

What a lovely day and a seriously encouraging start…. The SEGS Novice Stake for 14 AV Retrievers (Walked Up) Was held today at Knowle Game Farm – Ulcombe – Kent, By the kind permission of Mr Steve King and at the kind invitation of Mr Graham Roberts...