Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

‘Noone is ever good at something by accident’

Monday 24th May 2010 The first time I went to Graham Home for training, maybe 6 or 7 months ago, I think some of the things he SAID were as inspired as the actual training methods… and so, driving home round the M25, listening (I regret to freely admit) to Radio...

Friday 14th May 2010

Friday 14th May 2010 How many times have I written on my ‘Things to do list’ to update the Dog Blog! SO much has happened last few weeks, for example (and its unusual for me to be brief…): * The Tiny Tadpoles were born, all 11 of them! At 3 weeks...

GOOD news at last!

There is SO much to update in the last month – and thankfully most of it GOOD news at last! But today had to say, we got Tom’s hip scores back and he scored  6:3   which is a total of 9, so WELL under the breed average of 15,  which is what I always very...