Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

‘Thomas!…. Jesus Christ!!’

Thomas, my adored chocolate bomb. Has, ever so slightly ‘gone off the whistle’. Hey, at this time of the shooting season, IE at the very end of it, he is in a VERY large club of other ‘not quite nailed’ dogs. But Thomas, being Thomas, if he...

Mia babies hopefully on the way!

Life wouldn’t be interesting if we didn’t change like the wind, here at Wylanbriar 😉 In an ideal world, mating Mia late next summer was not what we would of wished for, because we REALLy don’t like shooting season puppies. So when a good friend...

‘Seasonal’ Changes here!

APART from all the trialing, training and picking up we have been doing over the last few weeks there have been a few huge changes here at Chez Wylanbriar. Firstly, its been a hard decision, but we decided to spay Shiney and not have a 4th litter from her. Shiney...

“You’ve got to have a dream…..

…. if you don’t have a dream. How you gonna have a dream come true?” …..So the song goes. And I sit here, just a tiny bit overwhelmed thinking about this last two and a bit months. Is it REALLY only two (and a bit!) months? Since the start of...

A day on the Rabbits!

Rabbits. Rabbits are one of those animals that seem to fall into most peoples idea of ‘good’. Bright Eyes and fluffy tails. Well not for many landowners who use their land for a variety of industries. They are a menace and their notoriously fast producing...