Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

……” Something’s afoot isn’t it? !!!…… “

Thomas, my boy, you are dead RIGHT. *Things* ARE indeed afoot. Things which would of happened anyway, but needs must and they need to happen…like, NOW. Thomas, between now (Sept 5th) and October 23rd, you have to become a whizz bang picking up dog. You have to...

Good evening Campers! Welcome to Emergency ward 10!

Good evening Campers! Welcome to Emergency ward 10! Well the outpatients unit anyway. BLOODY BLOODY BLOODY kennel cough. BLOODY BLOODY BLOODY BLOODY kennel cough!! Well we have it, and thankfully we are now turning the corner…. Fish started ten days ago, then it...

We have decided to sell Holden

The bit written with a lump in the throat first…. For all the brave words, we have decided to sell Holden. I suppose you could say we aren’t your average *kennel*. Each of our dogs gets a lot of individual attention, some might say *too* much. I have spent...

Yesterday was Reunion day!

I’m desperate for some pictures to put up of it as we are useless with a camera so don’t even own one! So please anyone reading this who took some, and by golly there were some folks there with lovely cameras, a few snaps would be fab! What a day…...