Wylanbriar Labradors

Est: 1994
Bred for Temperament, Type and Trainability

Friday 13th (ohhhhh!) Nov

As usual, a week down, and I’m slacking keeping everyone updated! AND, as usual, tons has happened! When did I leave you last? OH! I know! The day I managed to delete all my previous blog entries! I’m so good with technology. I am known at the office for...

Saturday 31st October (2nd entry today!)

Well you know when its going to be a bad day sometimes? Well somehow in saving the above entry to the Blog I have managed to delete every previous entry! I don’t know how….really I don’t. I can do one of two things right now. I can put my fist...

Saturday 31st October

Antoine de Saint-Exupery described in Wind, Sand and Stars: ” Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outwards together in the same direction…”  This phrase has struck me to the core in reading it. This is not just about human...

Dog Blog

I decided to keep a bit of a diary type thing. Not daily, but a record of what goes on here at the ‘ranch’. Hopefully I will add some pictures along the way too. Below are our most recent entries….: The boring disclaimer bit: please note any opinions...